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- $ffa|1-"Will it work?"
- |1-Letters F-L
- $fff THE A1200 Games Compatibility Guide
- By Bucko/iNDi
- $aff
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- F1 Tornado Zepplin No No
- F15 Strike Eagle 2 Microprose Yes ?
- F16(New version) Action 16 Yes ?
- F19 Steath Fighter Kixx XL No No
- F29 Retaliator Ocean No No
- Falcon Action 16 Yes ?
- Fallen Angel Alternative No No
- Fantasy World Dizzy Codemasters Yes Yes CPU Cach OFF
- Fascination Coketel Vision Yes ?
- Fast Food Codemasters Yes ?
- Feindish fredies Big
- top O Fun Mindscape Yes ?
- Final Fight Kixx Yes Yes
- Final Fight US Gold No No
- Fire and Brimstone Kixx No No
- Fire And Forget Titus Yes ?
- Fire and Ice Renegade Yes Yes
- Fire and Ice CD32 Renegade Yes ? (ZAPP)
- First div. Manager Codemasters Yes ?
- First Samurai UBI Soft No No
- Flashback US Gold Yes Yes
- flight/Intruder Action 16 Yes ?
- Flintstones GrandSlam ? No
- Flimbos Quest Kixx No No
- Footballer of the year GBH No No
- Forgotten Worlds Kixx Yes Yes
- Formula 1 GP Microprose Yes Yes
- Frankenstein Zepplin No No
- Full Contact Team 17 Yes Yes CPU Cach OFF
- Fun School (All) Hit Squad Yes Yes
- Fun School 3 Europress Yes ?
- Fun school 4 Europress Yes ?
- Fun With Numbers sooty Alternative Yes No
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- G Loc US Gold No No
- Galactic Warrior Rats Alternative Yes ?
- Gateway to Savage
- Frontier US Gold Yes ?
- Gauntlet 2 Kixx Yes No
- Gazza 2 Empire Yes ?
- Gazzas Super Soccer Touchdown Yes ?
- Ghostbusters 2 Hit Squad No No
- Gilbert Alternative No No
- Go For Gold Kixx Yes ?
- Gobliins Coktel Vision Yes ?
- Gobliins 2 Coktel Vision Yes ?
- Goblins 3 Coktel Vision Yes Yes
- Gods Renagade Yes ?
- Golden Axe Virgin Yes Yes
- Graeme Souness Vector
- Soccer Zepplin Par ? GFX error
- Great Courts 2 Blue Byte Yes Yes
- Great Giana Sisters US Gold Yes Yes CPU cach OFF
- Guy Spy Empire Yes ?
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Harlequin Gremlin Yes Yes
- Head Over Heels Hit Squad Yes Yes
- Heimdall Core Yes ?
- Helter Skelter Audiogenic Yes Yes
- Heros Of The Lance Kixx No No
- High Steel Alternative Yes No
- Hired Guns Psygnosis Yes Yes
- History Line Playbyte Yes Yes
- Hollywood Poker CRL Yes Yes
- Hook Ocean Yes ?
- Hostages Inforgrams Yes No Relokick 1.4
- Hot Rod US Gold No No
- Hoversprint Codemasters No No
- Hudson Hawk Hit Squad No No
- Humans Mirage No No
- Hunter Activision No No
- Hybris ? Yes Yes CPU Cach OFF
- Horror Zombies From
- The Cript GBH Yes ?
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Impossamole GBH No No
- Impossible Mission
- 2025 CD32 Microprose No No (ZAPP)
- Indianapolis 500 Electronic Arts Yes Yes
- Indy IV US Gold Yes ?
- Indy and the Fate of
- Atlantis (Adventure) LucasArts Yes Yes ECS only
- from HD
- Int. 3D Tennis GBH Yes ?
- Int. Ice Hockey Zepplin Yes ?
- Int. Tennis Zepplin Yes ?
- Int. Truck Racing Zepplin Yes ?
- Int. Ninja Rabbits Microvalue Yes ?
- Int. Rugby Challenge Domark Yes ?
- Int. Sports Challenge Empire Yes ?
- It Came Form
- The Desert Cinemaware Yes Yes Floppy only
- It Came From
- The Desert 2 Cinemaware Yes Yes Floppy only
- Italy 1990 Kixx No No
- Ivanhoe Hit Squad No No
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- J.Barnes Euro Soccer Krisalis Yes ?
- Jack Nicklaus Golf Hit Squad Yes ?
- Jaguar XJ220 Core Yes Yes
- James Pond Gremlin Par Par Minor GFX
- corruption
- James Pond 3 CD32 Gremlin No No (ZAPP)
- Jarrasic Park Ocean Yes Yes
- Jaws Alternative Yes ?
- Jet Set Willy SW Projects Yes ?
- Jimmy Whites Whirlwind
- Snooker Virgin No No Fix Is Avail
- Joe and Mac Elite Yes ?
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Kamikaze Codemasters No No
- Katakis Rainbow Arts No No
- Kid Gloves Gremlin No No
- Killing Game Show Psygnosis Yes ?
- Knight Force Titus Yes ?
- Knightmare Mindscape Yes ?
- Knights Of The Sky MicroProse Yes Yes
- Kwik Snax Codemasters Yes Yes
- Program Publisher 020 030 Notes
- ======= ========= === === =====
- Laser Squad Blade No No
- Last Ninja 2 Hit Squad Yes ?
- Leander Psygnosis Yes Yes
- LED Storm Kixx No No
- Leeds United Empire Yes ?
- Legend Mindscape Yes ?
- Lemmings (1 Disk) Psygnosis Yes Yes
- Lemmings (2 Disks) Psygnosis Yes Yes CPU CACH OFF
- Lemmings 2 Psygnosis Yes Yes
- Lethal Weapon Ocean Yes Yes
- Life and Death Mindscape Yes ?
- Little Puff Codemasters Yes ?
- Locomotion Byte Back No No
- Lombard RAC Rally Hit Squad Yes Yes
- Loom Kixx XL Yes Yes CPU CACH OFF
- from HD
- Lords Of Chaos Blade Yes Yes
- Lost Patrol Ocean Yes Yes CPU CACH OFF
- Lotus Collection CD32 Gremlin No No (SCSI)(ZAPP)
- Lotus 1 GBH No No
- Lotus 2 Gremlin No No
- Lotus 2 GBH Yes Yes
- Lotus 3 Gremlin No No
- Lure of the Temptress Virgin Yes Yes
- $fff
- |1-See the other four parts!
- End